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Pressured me when I was Driving home

Debt amount: 
Date debt issued: 
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Period debt occurred: 
July 2016 to June 2020
Has your case been referred to a collection agency?: 
Payment Type: 
Disability Support Pension
Appealing Debt?: 
Yes in process
Tell us about your debt and how has this affected you? e.g. anxiety levels, financial and accommodation stress: 

The threat has made me feel sick
I was driving home from work and they rang me up and told me that I have a day at first
they said that I didn’t declare my earnings for gave me for different dates all over $2000 and they pressured me and said if you did not sign or give us any information regarding evidence that you have worked we will make sure you pay the step back
they called me into a very small position where I had to sign into a debt agreement to pay the smallest amount I could pay
their absolute animals and scam artists
I hope every single person behind that debts will lose their job specially the ones pressuring me to pay off the debt
I’m extremely angry by this and annoyed
I hope Centrelink gets punished for what they done to people and give us all our money back

How do you feel about the way the Government has handled this process?: 

and scam artists
I hope every single person behind that debts will lose their job specially the ones pressuring me to pay off the debt
I’m extremely angry by this and annoyed
I hope Centrelink gets punished for what they done to people and give us all our money back