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I have not paid for things I needed such as clothes, food and fuel to get to work due to limited funds

Debt amount: 
Date debt issued: 
Monday, 3 September 2018
Period debt occurred: 
February 2016 to June 2017
Has your case been referred to a collection agency?: 
Payment Type: 
Youth Allowance
Appealing Debt?: 
I don't know how to
Tell us about your debt and how has this affected you? e.g. anxiety levels, financial and accommodation stress: 

I have experienced severe financial anxieties. I have not paid for things I needed such as clothes, food and fuel to get to work due to limited funds. I pay a little amount each fortnight just to get by. I have relied on other people to pay my food and bills as I cannot provide for myself. I was entitled to $1000 per semester to help with expenses every semester to which (despite me providing concrete evidence that I was in fact in uni) they said I have to repay each of my grants. I cried myself to sleep for weeks afterwards. I am no longer on centrelink even though I am financially struggling because I would rather live in my car than deal with this disgrace of a BUSINESS.

How do you feel about the way the Government has handled this process?: 

I called them and they told me "if you appeal it, it is most likely you will owe more. I would say just leave the debt as is and pay it off". I was shocked and angry at the sheer heartlessness and rudeness of the woman I spoke too. I cried and told them I will never be able to afford the repayments. To which they said is not their problem.