My story is alike many others on this site. The debts have been raised againat me for overpayment more than 15 years ago. I visited the office and declared my wages etc and declared my change in circumstances and Domestic Violence. Centrelink requested that you must provide proof of children in your care welll the ex took off with my 10mnth old baby and two girls and got the benefit while he was working and they saying I owe thiem money for overpayment . He continues to be paid for 3 children when 2 are in my care and im.being charged child support for 3. The youngest baby got no Birth Cert and the ex still receives money for kids not with him. He got my tax return this year as well..child support dont give a shit either. Without a birth cert no proof of child alive or dead no evidence of parents and yet the benefit still given to him. I cant get my refund back either. I now have anxiety which affects my well-being and family. I needed my refund to pay bills i have neglected cos my income dropped dramatically due to workplace accident and negligence by employer to record the incident, this employers is APM a Disability service provider.
Disgusted and pissed off for a western growing nation absolutely pathetic processes and policies in place.