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$28k, this debt is SOUL CRUSHING!

Debt amount: 
Date debt issued: 
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Period debt occurred: 
November 2011
Payment Type: 
Newstart Allowance
Appealing Debt?: 
Yes & I won
Tell us about your debt and how has this affected you? e.g. anxiety levels, financial and accommodation stress: 

I was hit with 3 debts.
Two from way back in 2011-2012, apparent over payment of newstart allowance due to my "incorrect reporting" & another debt from 2015 occuring due to me not declaring my partnership date correctly WHICH I ABSOLUTELY DID!!! Totaling $28,000!!!!

Ive already paid off $8k. Ive appealed all the debts, 2 have been dealt with. Resulting in $5k being knocked off due to admitted fault on centrelinks part for "doubling up"?!
What the hell does that mean?!

The 3rd debt is still in the appeals process, however ive recently noticed an additional $600 has been added for "intentionally misleading" centrelink!!!!

Im a newly single parent, fresh out of a DV relationship where i was hit by my partners car, had my phone smashed rendering me unable to call for help, & subsequently fleeing with my 2 toddlers.

This debt is SOUL CRUSHING!
The constant stress & worry about how the hell i'll ever pay it back especially given my new situation where money is extremely tight.
Centrelinks unwillingness to explain to me how & where the debts occurred or lack of information on their part is unacceptable.
People are taking their lives over these debts!!! I understand why too.

How do you feel about the way the Government has handled this process?: 

Absolutely abhorrently. Misinformation, lack of information, lack of transparency & lack of education to centrelink workers is unbelievable