Debt amount:
Date debt issued:
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Period debt occurred:
June 2020
Payment Type:
Parenting Payment
Appealing Debt?:
I don't know how to
Tell us about your debt and how has this affected you? e.g. anxiety levels, financial and accommodation stress:
I am a single mum and due to this debt have a record so it's hard to find work now.
I live in a private rental home and do not work so it is very stressful.
I have paid money to it since 2014 and all lump sums in July have gone on it.
It has made my life hell, anxiety levels have flaxuated, makes it hard to be happy for my children.
I was torched in the interview and threatened jail if I didn't own up to the debt.
I felt scared and alone.
My children suffer as they can't go out and do things as I can't afford to due to not working.
How do you feel about the way the Government has handled this process?:
Very upset as I was bullied into this debt and threatened jail time.