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Create and Share Your Centrelink Debt Story
Debt amount
Round this to the nearest $ - you can't add a space or a decimal point
Has your case been referred to a collection agency?
- None -
Is this with a debt collector?
Date debt issued
E.g., 10/02/2025
When did they send or issue the letter?
Period debt occurred
When are they saying you got the debt? Between when and when?
Empty 'End date' values will use the 'Start date' values.
Show End Date
E.g., 02/2025
E.g., 02/2025
Payment Type
- None -
Aged Pension
Carer Payment
Disability Support Pension
Family Tax Benefit
Newstart Allowance
Parenting Payment
Sickness Benefit
Youth Allowance
Select one option, if you have multiple choose the primary option, and add some detail in the comment section.
Appealing Debt?
- None -
Yes & I won
Yes but I lost
Yes in process
I don't know how to
Tell us about your debt and how has this affected you? e.g. anxiety levels, financial and accommodation stress
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How do you feel about the way the Government has handled this process?
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