Can you access a computer printer or a photocopier?
Spread the word!
Fliers and posters are a great way to reach people.
It's as simple as downloading the file you want from the list below and then printing.
Print multiples in colour, or print one in black and white for photocopying.
All files are A4. Print full size to stick up as posters, or print 2-per-page to cut into fliers.
Your local library may be able to help you with printing if you do not have internet access or a printer at home.
Why not ask your local laundromat, library, community centre, cafe, or shop if you can put one up?
Download links are below the preview images.

Past campaigns: the first Senate Inquiry.
The first Senate Inquiry into Robodebt is completed (download and read the Committee's report here), IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A SUBMISSION TO THE SECOND SENATE INQUIRY INTO ROBODEBT, THE NEW GUIDE IS HERE.
We're leaving this old one archived here to make it available as a starting point for other groups wanting to encourage members of the public to make submissions to other Senate Inquiries.
Print materials to help you turn your #notmydebt story into a Submission to the Senate Inquiry in 5 simple steps.
These are adaptations of the how to turn your #notmy debt story into a senate submission in 5 steps page developed to be used facilitating workshops or for working independently.
We encouraged organisations helping people to make a submission or holding workshops to use this booklet.
Please note that the booklet format is designed to be folded, and requires a printer that can do double-sided printing set to flip on short edge.
If you can only do single-sided printing, or prefer a flat page format, please select the A4 version for downloading.
Files are available both full size and compressed, please be mindful of your data limits when making your choice.
Download the booklet Turn your #notmydebt story into a Submission to the Senate Inquiry in 5 simple steps: