LibreOffice (A free suite of programs similar to Microsoft Office, including equivalents of Word and Excel. Can read and edit Microsoft Office format documents) https://www.libreoffice.org/
OpenOffice (A free suite of programs similar to Microsoft Office, including equivalents of Word and Excel. Can read and edit Microsoft Office format documents) https://www.openoffice.org/
Adobe Acrobat Reader (A free program to view and edit PDF documents) https://acrobat.adobe.com/au/en/acrobat/pdf-reader.html
Payslip Request Letter to Employer:
A template letter in a Word document to request duplicate copies of pay slips from an employer.
This template may assist you in compiling evidence to appeal a robodebt.
Reverse Pay Slips Calculation Sheet:
An Excel spreadsheet template for reconstructing historical pay slips based on net wages deposited to your bank account and ATO PAYG Withholding tax rates applicable at the time.
This will enable you to demonstrate what your gross wages before tax were in cases where you are not able to obtain copies of your pay slips but do have copies of your bank statements showing deposits of net wages to your account.
This spreadsheet template allows for reconstruction of payroll records over the course of a full financial year.
This spreadsheet can be completed by typing in bank statement deposit details, known payroll deduction details and PAYG Withholding Tax amounts into the highlighted cells, then saving a final copy as a PDF (which is slightly more tamper proof than an unlocked spreadsheet). The PDF can then be uploaded to Centrelink via your MyGov account, along with supporting documentation like bank statements. You can take a screen shot or print the web page as evidence of having submitted the documents to Centrelink.
This template may assist you in compiling evidence to appeal you robodebt.
Centrelink Fortnightly Reporting Form - Employer Pay Slips:
An Excel spreadsheet template for summarising & reporting employer pay slip information and listing documents provided, in respect of a current fortnightly Centrelink reporting period.
This form can be completed by typing pay slip & employer information into the highlighted cells, then saving a final copy as a PDF (which is slightly more tamper proof than an unlocked spreadsheet). The PDF can then be uploaded to Centrelink via your MyGov account, along with supporting documentation like pay slips.
You can take a screen shot or print the web page as evidence of having submitted the documents to Centrelink.
Note that you may have to provide up to 3 pay slips from each employer to cover the fortnightly Centrelink reporting period — your employer's pay cycle & payslip issue dates are unlikely to exactly align with your fortnightly Centrelink reporting period.
This spreadsheet template allows for the entry of data for up to 4 separate employers during the reporting fortnight and allows itemisation of hours worked and wages earned, categorised by employer and day, with totals. It is recommended to complete this template during the course of &/or shortly after the end of the reporting fortnight to ensure the accuracy of the data entered, whilst it is still fresh in your mind.
You may also wish to supplement your documents with copies of actual detailed timesheets, if available, as pay slips tend to summarise the data for the whole pay period rather than providing a daily itemisation of wages and hours worked.
This template may assist you in proactively providing information to Centrelink in order to avoid being issued with a future debt.