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About #notmydebt

#notmydebt is a website built and run by a handful of volunteers from all around Australia, some with debts and some without, united by our deep concern about the injustice of Centrelink's robo-debt fiasco and the impact it's having on the lives of ordinary citizens. 

Our main aim is to get as many false debt stories in one place as possible, to get people's voices heard, so that this scandal can't be plausibly minimised or denied. 
You can contribute to this by using &/or sharing this link https://notmydebt.com.au/stories/notmydebt-stories, and read and search the stories of other Australians here.

We're also collating media coverage of the issue, and that's searchable too.

And! We're in the process of building a collection of organised links to useful advice, documents, and organisations. Coming soon, promise.

If you're an individual or organisation who wants to get involved, please do get in touch either here, through our Facebook account, or on Twitter.

There's so much to do! But we can do it together.



Please use the information on the site at your discretion; it is intended to be of an informative nature and is not a substitute for independent legal advice. 

We are not collecting any personal or identifying information when you Share Your Story, and to the best of our ability any identifying information will be removed.

Please follow us on Twitter and Like and Follow our Facebook account. 

The site is built in Drupal using the open-source govCMS distribution.